Thursday, April 26, 2012
Study on Acts 19:1-20
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Through the Deep Waters -- April 7th
Friday, April 6, 2012
Through the Deep Waters -- April 6th
Isaiah 52:1-10
The hour is coming and is now here. The victory of God over oppression is now a reality. God’s reign is here and His sovereignty has overtaken us. This is a beautiful passage with dual meanings, with the first meaning describing the joy of seeing the messenger bringing the news of Jerusalem's deliverance from Babylon and the return of God's reign over Jerusalem. But this passage also has a second meaning, relating to the good news of the redemption of all creation in Jesus Christ. In both scenarios people hear the good news, in the practical that they can now leave Babylon and return to Jerusalem, and in the spiritual in that they can now escape the bondage of sin and have eternal life in heaven. But though they have heard and seen the messenger, they still must choose to act on what they hear and see.
In the previous chapter of Isaiah the people of Israel were lying in the dirt groveling and faint in their captivity but now it’s time to wake up, get up, and loose the bonds of slavery that were holding them captive and to dress themselves in splendor as their God reigns. Similarly, the powers of sin that have held us captive have been destroyed in Jesus Christ. We are called to wake, get up, and loose the bonds of sin that hold us captive as they no longer have power over us. We too have heard and seen the messengers, bringing the Good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we too must choose to act on what we hear and see and accept this Good News into our hearts. We too are to dress ourselves in splendor which is the robe of righteousness given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who lives and reigns now and forever.
Prayer: O Lord Jesus how horribly you suffered in my place as you bore all of the pain and anguish of my sin. What kind of love is this? Help me Jesus by your grace to walk worthy of this love for you this day. Amen.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Living With Our Neighbors
Great quote from G. K. Chesterton:
"We make our friends; we make our enemies; but God makes our next-door neighbor."
This is why a church that reflects its neighborhood matters so much. Churches that only reflect a certain demographic miss out on the amazing joy and character formation that God gives us in our neighbor... whoever they might be.