Monday, February 27, 2012

Through the Deep Waters -- Feb 27th

John 1:14-18

In Christ we behold the Glory of God. What an amazing reality, the invisible God took on flesh assuming the frailty of the human condition. He entered into our world to experience our pain, our struggles, our despair, our loneliness, and our temptation and yet not fall victim to our estate but to overcome it on our behalf. The bible declares that Jesus, as a faithful High Priest was touched by the feeling of our infirmities. Meaning he fully felt what it’s like to be us, from his birth to his death. The role of the High Priest was to do two major things: (1) to present the plight of the people to God AND (2) to clearly declare the character and truth of God to his people. Jesus set forth the full character of God...full of Grace and Truth.

God's grace implies the depths that He would go to to fully redeem his people without any assistance from them. That is Gospel language. It says that he would go before them and make a way for their deliverance before they even realize that they were trapped. That’s good news. The Grace of God implies God's effort and not ours in order to get the job done. His Grace is amazing!!!

And it is the Grace of God that allows us to confront the truth about God and about ourselves. God is Holy and we are sinful. We have rebelled against the King and are worthy of his severe judgment. This is what the law says to us, that we are guilty and justly condemned under God’s wrath. Oh’ but the Truth of God declares to us that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. And in his death he set forth a new and deeper truth before us: the Love of God who sent his Son for us that we who deserve death would now through Jesus and in Jesus and because of Jesus alone have life and life to the full!!! Oh' behold the Glory of God in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Father help us to freshly behold your Glory in what Christ has accomplished for us at the Cross. He took on himself the full weight of our sin that we might take on the full weight of his position as your children, sons and daughters fully accepted!!!

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