Mark 10:35-45
This passage helps us to get a grasp on the reality that left to ourselves what we desire and what God desires for us are diametrically opposed. In the text we see James and John asking Jesus to do for them or better yet give them whatever they wanted. Is this strange? Hardly, if I was able to ask and get from God one thing, what would it be? Money, A Life of Luxury, Ease & Extreme Comfort in Life, No more work, No Sickness or Worries would probably be at the top of my list. What would you ask for?
Well I believe that what James & John asked for is in accord with what all of us would ask for. What they asked for was honor, glory, and power. They wanted to be in the highest places, to be seen, to be known, to be in control or at least to look like it. All that we would ask for, just like James and John would render us less dependent upon God than he has created us to be. This is the same temptation of Adam and Eve in the Garden, they were persuaded to take matters into their own hands and determine for themselves what's best for them and "become like God", reducing their actual dependence upon God.
Jesus replied to James & John, that they didn't know what they were actually asking for or how you really get what they were asking for. They wanted power, prestige, a good reputation, to be thought well of by the masses, but Jesus said the way to get those things is through suffering. More accurately, suffering on behalf of others and entering into their causes and troubles with no agenda other than helping them and being there for them. That was baptism that Jesus was baptized with. He entered the waters of our troubles for our good not his own. James and John were only seeking their own good and to be recognized by others for it. How selfish of them and US!!! We in our own ways, without the help of God’s Spirit seek the same things, mainly for our own benefit and we want others to take notice of it and celebrate us for who and what we are, with no real concern for who they are and their struggles. We want Easy and Cheap Glory!!!
Jesus says that the way up is down. The way to be someone noteworthy like Jesus is by serving, just for the idea of serving because others need you. This is what Jesus did for us. He was not self-seeking he was sinner seeking. The way he became glorious in our eyes is by what he did for us simply because he loved US!!! He knew we could never repay us but he still moved into our brokenness to make us whole. May God change us and give us the grace to ask for the power to serve others for their benefit and not our own, just as Christ served us. If you could ask God anything what would you ask him for?
PRAYER: Father help us to pray and ask for the things that matter to you and others, so that Christ may be seen in us more than we may be known…May he forever be known as the reason why we gladly take the low road of a servant. Knowing that your Kingdom should be full of servants!!!
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