Saturday, March 24, 2012

Through the Deep Waters -- March 24th

Acts 13:15-49

Here we have a desperate question in verse 15 and a blessed answer in given in verse 23.

The Question: "Brothers, if you have any word of encouragement for the people, say it." God's gathering of his Covenant People centers on a word of encouragement coming to those who have so much to be discouraged about. They are a people who are broken, battered and bruised by sin. Threatened and shaken by the law and the impending judgment and wrath due to them because of their moral ineptitude. This word of encouragement needs to come to a group of people who are guilty and hear the tone of the law screaming at them saying, "Be Holy (morally perfect in thought and deed) OR ELSE." And through their whimpering cries, they whisper in confession, "I can't." Tough spot to be in, one where your life depends on you and your ability to meet a certain set of expectations and requirements and you just can't meet the demands placed on you. This is what makes their question of the Apostle Paul a serious and desperate one. Is there any "Good News" for sinners who are morally bankrupt?

The Answer: Paul answers their question giving a sweep of redemptive history starting in verse 16 and landing at the sweet spot in verse 23 saying, "God has brought forth a Savior, Jesus, as he promised." This Savior would redeem those desperate and longing souls who've discovered that they have nothing to commend themselves to God otherwise. They know that they have missed the mark of perfection but they hear the Good News that their perfection has come in the Savior. He has met the demands of God’s perfect and holy law on their behalf, having lived a sinless life and also suffering the just consequences that their sins deserved through his death on the cross. Thereby, creating a way that sinners can be justified (declared right) before God. This is what the scripture means in Colossians 1:12, "that we thank the Father who has made us meet (fit, qualified) to share in the spoils of Christ Victory over sin, death and the grave. We’ve been brought out of the Kingdom of Darkness and been transferred into the Kingdom of his dear Son." This is Good News, when Christ says to us who can’t do what desperately needs to be done, “I have done it for you, and IT IS FINISHED!!!”

Prayer: Jesus, help us to know what we have in and because of you!!! Amen…

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